PowerPosing in front of the piano lid.

There is always at least a minute (or two!;) to get focussed, to stay strong, to increase confidence!
And for those who don’t know yet: power posing is such a simple, funnily easy technique to learn & to use. Improve your inner strength & confidence within (2) minutes… 💪

The pictures were taken inside wonderful castle of Weikersheim, on my way to do another workshop on Mental Strength & Inner Balance for the participants of DEBUT singing competition.
A huge thank you also to the team of Jeunnesse Musicales Deutschland for their great support & hospitality! 🙏🏼
Looking forward to the grand final gala of the competition tonight at TauberPhilharmonie.
Toi, toi to our phantastic finalist 🍀 – Just remain staying focussed & confident. You know all about it. 🙂 (And you also know that you all are my heroes already!)
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